Book a tour

Fill out the form to make a reservation.

The reservation will be finally confirmed when 30% deposit is paid to the account. If you have already paid the down payment, you can attach a transfer confirmation to this form. Be sure to consult us before making a deposit. If you have questions, please write us:


Bank details:

Payments should be made to the Organiser’s bank account in British Pounds (£), Euro (€) and USD ($)

Account name: Beyond the Path Adventure
Bank: NatWest
Account number: 51291169
Sort code: 50-41-01



Personal information

Contact details

Who should we contact in case of a crisis situation?

What is your current state of health?

What are your eating preferences?

Additional information

If you have already paid in advance, attach the confirmation from the bank

Please attach confirmation of the insurance contract conclusion. If you do not have it yet, you can send it later.

How did you find out about us?