Angola – Unexplored Africa – 10 days

days | 2 - 8 people in a group
tour description

history, culture, sightseeing

Angola is one of the largest and most varied countries of the southern part of the African continent. Because of the political situation, Angola was not accessible for tourists for many years. In the recent years, trips to Angola have become possible and safe. It is difficult to list all attractions of this exceptional country.

During our trip, we will aim to visit the most interesting natural sites: the Pedras Negras rock formations, the Namib Desert, the Calandula falls, the Kumbira Forest or the Quiçama National Park. Additionally, we will try to introduce the travellers to the remarkable cultural and ethnic diversity of Angola, which was influenced by local tradition and the colonial period. We will visit Mucubal and Mumuhuila nomads from the Namib Desert, and we will also see architectural sites that remain from the colonial period.


Flights to Luanda usually arrive in the morning. In the morning we will have an introductory meeting, after which we will set out to visit the capital of Angola, a town founded by the Portuguese in 1573. We will visit the São Miguel fort from the 17th century, currently a historical museum, that overlooks the town and bay. We will also take a walk through the oldest part, where buildings and churches built in the colonial era are still present. We will visit the museum of slavery – a reminder of the dark colonial times and the abhorrent practice of slave trade. In the evening, transfer to the hotel and, after a short rest, an introductory meeting and dinner in one of the restaurants overlooking the Luanda Bay. Night rest at the hotel.


In the morning, transfer to the airport and flight to Lubango. Breakfast before the departure or lunch box. After arrival, visit of the city which is the largest urban and economic centre in the south of Angola.  We will visit the cathedral and examples of architecture from the colonial times. In the afternoon, we will go to a hill with a figure of Christ called Cristo Rei. It is a lookout point and a destination of pilgrimages, the best spot to admire the panorama of Lubango. Dinner in one of local restaurants, night rest at the hotel.

B. L. D.

After breakfast, we will leave Lubango and set out for the town of Moçâmedes – formerly Namibe – located on the Atlantic shore. We will take a very picturesque road through the Serra da Leba mountains to get there. There will be opportunities to admire magnificent views during our stops. En route to Namib, we will visit nomads from the ethnic groups of Mucubal and Mumhuila. We will have a short encounter with the culture and life of the indigenous inhabitants of the Namib Desert. While driving through the desert, we will stop at the most interesting rock formations and at the exceptional plants which are welwitschias. We will be able to see from up close this exceptional species whose history dates back more than 13 million years ago. Before arriving in Moçâmedes/Namibe, we will stop at the Arco lake, which is an important habitat for birds and mammals living in the desert. After the check-in, dinner in one of seaside restaurants and a short visit to the city. Night rest at the hotel.


After breakfast, we will start an all-day journey to the north, on a road along the Atlantic coast. We will stop for a rest in a small town of Lucira where we will visit the port and the fish market. Then we will continue the drive to the town of Benguela where we will stay in a hotel for the night.


In the morning. We will visit the town of Benguela founded in 1617 by Portuguese colonists. We will also visit the city of Lobito – the third largest city of Angola. Then we will set off to the Kumbira Forest. It is one of most precious bird protection areas in Angola. Over 230 bird species and 100 plants species can be found there. We will visit mountain forest dwellings and ecological coffee plantations. Dinner and night rest in one of the farms adapted as a hotel, located within the Kumbira Forest.


Before breakfast for those interested, not only ornithologists, a morning trip to the forest to watch birds. After breakfast, we will go to the Cachoeiras do Binga Waterfalls. A brief pause to relax at the waterfalls. When we will drive to the north-east, to the town of Calulo. Dinner and night rest at a hotel in Calulo or in one of coffee farms.


After breakfast, we will visit one of coffee farms. There will be an opportunity to taste and purchase some coffee. Then we will go to Pedras Negras – Black Rocks. It is a location of rock monoliths which shapes that resemble African animals. Drive on off-road vehicles through the wilderness of rock formations. We will also see the remains of a fort built in 1671 by the Portuguese colonists. Then we will set off to the Calandula Falls. Depending on availability, night rest near the waterfalls or in the town of Calandula. Dinner in one of local restaurants.


After breakfast, we will set out to visit the spectacular Calandula Falls. It is one of the highest waterfalls in the world – over 105 metres high and 411 metres wide. We will visit numerous viewpoints to fully admire this magnificent spectacle of nature. Drive to the town of N’dalatando where we will visit the botanical garden with many plants from the area of Angola and other African locations. In the afternoon, drive to the Quiçama National Park, where we will stay for the night in lodges.


In the morning, we will go to a safari in the Quiçama National Park. It is one of the oldest national parks in Angola. There are numerous natural habitats within the park, such as savanna grasslands, dense thickets, gallery forests and marshes at the Kuanza River. In the afternoon, there will be time for relaxation or, for those interested, the evening photo safari. Dinner and night rest in lodges within the National Park.


After breakfast, we will leave the Quiçama National Park and set off for Luanda. An route we will stop at the viewpoint of Miradouro da Lua – Moon Valley. We will see a unique landscape shaped by erosion of colourful rocks by wind, water and the sun. Then we will drive to the capital of Angola for dinner and the last visit. Depending on the departure time, transfer to the airport and the end of our trip.


Practical information

  • the length of the tour : 10 days in Angola;
  • start of the trip: Luanda
  • end of the trip: Luanda
  • the highlights of this expedition It will be a journey to a country that has been opened for tourists for only slightly more than a decade. The the natural and geographical highlights of the itinerary include: Pedras Negras, Calandula Falls, Namib Desert, Quiçama National Park, Kumbira Forest. Apart from its exceptionally interesting and diverse nature, Angola has also many cultural and historical attractions that we will see during our trip. We will visit nomads in the south of the country (Mucubal and Mumuhuila), and we will also see architectural sites from the colonial period. Angola can definitely be considered one of the most interesting countries of the southern part of the African continent.

The tour will be oriented on nature, cultural, sightseeing and historical tourism. Because of the special nature of the visited places and of the expedition features, the travellers are required to be physically and mentally fit. Because of the condition of roads and traffic problems, some drives between towns may be long and tiring. For the most part, during the planned trip to Angola temperatures during the day will exceed +25°C. Moreover, the high humidity of the air and intense rainfalls may cause fatigue and discomfort. Accommodation is envisaged in hotels and in lodges within the national parks. No long hikes are planned during our tour, but we will visit many towns on foot. The itinerary was designed to enable best possible viewing of the nature, landscape and cultural highlights of Angola, while meeting basic safety standards and ensuring comfort to the travellers. You should bear in mind that Angola is a country of many cultures and traditions, having a special and unique character. The vast majority of the Angola inhabitants are Christians belonging mainly to the Catholic Church.

Depending on the political situation, the length of the tour and the order of visited places may change. In a situation of a serious threat to travellers’ safety, the tour may be cancelled. We will keep you updated as to whether the expedition is possible.

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the planned end of the tour.

Before departure, you must obtain a tourist visa in the nearest embassy of Angola.

Visa can also be obtained electronically at

To obtain a visa, you may use the services of visa agents or the help of BTP Adventure.

You should take with you for the trip a photocopy of your passport (the photo page) and an additional ID document.

Take with you for the trip the yellow vaccination booklet with certified valid yellow fever vaccination – it is impossible to enter the Republic of Angola without this document and vaccination.

Before departure, we recommend a consultation with a family physician and a tropical medicine specialist.

Vaccination against yellow fever, tetanus, diphtheria, viral hepatitis A and B, meningococci and typhus is recommended.

Malaria prevention measures (Malarone or Lariam) are necessary.

There is a risk of dengue and tuberculosis at the places planned to be visited during the trip.

We recommend visiting

During our expedition, we will drink only bottled water. You should avoid ice in your beverages and eating raw or undercooked foods. In Angola, healthcare is at a satisfactory level in larger towns.

The cost of a private medical visit is usually over USD 100, and a day of hospitalisation costs between USD 100 and 200.

Because of difficult travelling and accommodation conditions and particularities of the country, good physical fitness is necessary. Furthermore, your patience will definitely be tested and you should prepare for hardships of long journeys, lassitude and discomfort.

  • Please take with you a first aid kit and a sufficient supply of your regular (prescription) medicines, if any. Some useful contents of the first aid kit:
  • insect repellents – absolutely necessary
  • medicines for malaria prevention
  • high sun protection cream (recommended SPF 50)
  • disinfectants, wound dressing materials
  • analgesics and antipyretics
  • antibiotics, as a precaution
  • anti-diarrhoeals, electrolytes and vitamins

The Republic of Angola is currently a relatively stable and safe country. In some regions of the country, there is a risk of armed conflict. However, we design our itineraries so as to avoid places that are potentially dangerous (Cabinda and border regions with the Democratic Republic of Congo).

It is very important to stay vigilant at such places as markets and crowded streets, because of pickpockets and rare robberies.

Owing to the good relations we have with local contractors, we keep following the news to be aware of any potential threats and safety risks. We also recommend you to read the latest news on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website:

During the tour, please take seriously the instructions of our contractors, guides and tour leader.

It is very important to respect local customs and abide by local laws and regulations. You will receive the necessary information on an on-going-basis from your local guides and the tour leader.

It is strictly prohibited to take photos and make video recordings at military and police installations and at airports. You are also not allowed to take photos where people in military/police uniforms are present!!!

Photographing people is possible only when they expressly agree to it. Taking pictures when the subjects have not allowed it often ends up with escalating aggressive behaviours.

The legal tender in the Republic of Angola is kwanza. Currency exchange is possible at the airport, in banks and in most hotels. Using payment cards is possible in many hotels and gift shops but caution should be exercised because of frequent data theft scams. The best foreign exchange rate is for euros and US dollars. UK pounds are not generally exchangeable.

For current foreign exchange rates see or install on your phone.

The official language in the Republic of Angola is Portuguese. Several dozen local languages are also spoken. In the case of a group tour, the tour leader will speak English or Portuguese. For self-guided tours, you must speak English or Portuguese.

The Republic of Angola is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. The vast majority of its inhabitants belongs to Cristian Churches. The largest community are Catholic Church members.

It is very important to respect local customs and abide by local laws. You will receive the relevant information from your local guide or the tour leader.

The tour dates are proposed in periods of the best possible weather conditions at the sites included in the itinerary. The best time for trips to Angola is the period between June and September. In the south of the country, temperatures during the day exceed +25°C, and at night drop to +15°C. Considerable differences in temperatures may occur in different regions and depending on the terrain characteristics. In the winter period, rainfalls may appear only very rarely. Major problems are low quality of roads, dust in the air in the dry season and mud after rainfalls.

For detailed information see

Mobile network coverage is available in most towns and villages. It is possible to purchase a local SIM-card with an Internet package for a fair price. Mobile network coverage is limited to the densly populated areas. At many places, especially within the Namib Desert, the GSM coverage is very limited. Before the trip, please enquire with your mobile network operator whether they have a contract signed with operators in the Republic of Angola and what the prices of call and SMS roaming are. To avoid a nasty surprise, we recommend disabling mobile data usage.

  • Wi-Fi is available at some hotels and in some restaurants.
  • Additionally, we recommend taking a capacious power bank.
  • Power sockets of type C and E. Voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz.

For climatic and cultural reasons, loose garments will be most appropriate: long trousers, long skirts, long-sleeved shirts, which can be easily washed and will quickly dry. The most comfortable footwear for the tour will be lightweight boots. Palladium brand boots are recommended. You may walk in open sandals but in towns and desert regions this may be uncomfortable because of stones, thorny plants and sharp grasses. Light hiking boots may prove useful. The following are worth taking:

  • sachet for documents and money
  • wet wipes for body cleaning and antibacterial gels
  • rain jacket
  • fleece or warmer blouse – in some regions of the country, especially in the north, nights may be cold
  • head cover and sunglasses – mandatory, the sun is no joke!
  • comfortable summer clothes, useful during practically the whole trip
  • light T-shirts/shirts
  • useful odds and ends: torch, Swiss Army knife, sewing kit (usually is not needed but is not heavy and does not take much place), chargers, mug (for special occasions); inflatable neck pillow, useful on the plane and during car rides; small wallet for the local currency; books to pass the time on flights and car rides


Price from:  £ 4390  p/p 

Price includes

During the tour, we will  we will travel by passenger cars or minibuses, and also, if necessary, by off-road vehicles. Moreover, the itinerary includes one domestic flight between Luanda and Lubango. Speed depends on the road surface conditions, terrain characteristics and number and length of stops.

We are not able to guarantee a uniform accommodation standard at each of the planned sites during the stay in the Republic of Angola. Our priorities are your comfort, appropriate location, character of the site and historical, cultural and natural values. We always place emphasis on the support of local community when selecting the sites for our accommodation. In general, rooms will be assigned on the assumption of two people sharing a twin room (rooms with individual bathrooms). The surcharges for single rooms are quoted in the “Price” section. During our tour, we plan accommodation in 3- and 4-star hotels, depending on availability. Additionally, accommodation is planned in tourist lodges within the national parks.

Meals are included in the tour price, as specified in the itinerary. B – breakfast, L – lunch, D – dinner. In most places we will visit, shops and markets are well stocked but prices of some goods – especially the imported ones – may be higher than in most European countries. The Angolan cuisine is extremely varied, reflecting the local particularities and cultures of the individual regions of Angola.

For information about the local costs of living see

Services of  local and special guides in National Parks

All entrance fees and permits to visit national parks and reserves in the itinerary

Trip preparation, visa mediation, the invitation necessary to obtain a visa

Price does not include

Costs of the main flight to Luanda –  Angola

Costs of flight tickets are not covered by the tour price. BTP Adventure does not directly arrange and buy tickets for international flights. However, we may suggest the best connections and airlines. For this purpose, contact us by e-mail or call us.

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the planned end of the tour.

Before departure, you must obtain a tourist visa in the nearest embassy of Angola.

Visa can also be obtained electronically at

To obtain a visa, you may use the services of visa agents or the help of BTP Adventure.

You should take with you for the trip a photocopy of your passport (the photo page) and an additional ID document.

Insurance is not covered by the tour price. Having valid insurance is a condition for taking part in the trip. We recommend taking out insurance that will be appropriate for the planned itinerary and for your individual state of health and needs. Please send us the proof of your insurance contract.

You can purchase insurance on your own on the website of Axa or any other insurance company:

BTP Adventure may help you obtain adequate insurance cover. If you want our help, please contact us.

The price does not includes the cost of tips and porters’ fees. \

Meals other than those listed in the final itinerary.

Personal expenses and souvenirs.

Surcharge for a single room: 590 £

supplementary payment for the additional accommodation  In the case of  arrival or departure on a different date,

We will keep updating the detailed information on the safety and final itinerary of the tour. Before you decide to submit the booking form, please learn about the current political and sanitary situation in Angola, especially at the places on the itinerary of our tour.

The planned expedition is an exclusive proposal prepared on the basis of our experience and knowledge of the local peculiarities and major sightseeing attractions of Angola.

We are committed to ensure the best possible and safe and, as far as feasible, comfortable travelling through this rarely visited and extremely interesting country which is Angola

Depending on the political situation, the length of the tour and the order of visited places may change. In a situation of a serious threat to travellers’ safety, the tour may be cancelled. We will keep you updated as to whether the expedition is possible.

The trip can be combined with an expedition to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia Malavi, Nigeria and Uganda.

With any questions please contact BTP ADVENTURE

dates & prices
06/10/2024 - 15/10/2024
08/06/2025 - 17/06/2025
10/08/2025 - 19/08/2025
05/10/2025 - 14/10/2025

4390 £

The trip can be combined with an expedition to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia Malavi, Nigeria and Uganda.

you can find price for the group in description